An End and A Beginning

An End and A Beginning


I want to take this opportunity to personally thank all of the wonderful people we’ve had the opportunity to work with over the past year. We wouldn’t be here without you and your support.

This year opened doors to new opportunities for myself and the Compass team. From new social media strategies to creative lead generation programs that drive revenue, we’ve continued to refine our strategies to ensure all of our clients are as successful as possible.

The most important thing I’ve learned over the past year is that there is no one definition of success; the meaning of this word is different to each organization and each individual. For me, my idea of what this word means changes and evolves on a regular basis — driven by conversations and engagement with our clients, the media, our partners, the internal team and my family.

Here is to saying goodbye to 2016 and to the great things to come in the New Year. Happy New Year to you all.


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