06 Aug 5 Reasons Why Working Remotely Benefits Compass and Our Clients
Started as a one-woman shop in 2009, Compass Integrated Communications is now celebrating its 10th anniversary. And we are proud of what we have accomplished over the past decade, the clients we have worked with along the way, our involvement in our key markets and the great work our team has generated to make our clients’ messaging and visibility soar.
Though the company is based in Tampa, the Compass team is spread across the country.
And our approach is not unique: remote work is significantly increasing. In fact, 52% of employees around the world work from home at least once per week. For Compass, hiring a remote team gave Founder Rhianna Daniels Hile the chance to recruit some of the best PR minds — no matter where they were located. And when it comes to remote work, the Compass team has feelings. Here’s what we think about why it is ideal for a marketing communications agency with experts in security and technology to work remotely:
Writers Block, No More
“As public relations professionals, I’d say 80% of our job is writing, and like any writing job, the dreaded writer’s block can take hold at any moment. When that happens, we aren’t stuck in a small office where we can’t leave. We walk, we run, we dance it out, etc. The way a writer breaks writer’s block is very personal, and working remotely allows us to get our creativity flowing through whatever means soothes our artistic souls. Personally, a good long run or an episode by the writing genius Aaron Sorkin usually works for me.” – Kayla Weems, Account Manager
We Cover the World
“We have at least one team member in almost every time zone in the United States, allowing Compass to be ‘open for business’ at least 12 hours a day (if not the typical 24 hours in the communications world). This is critical for our clients, who are located around the globe in a number of regions. The security market is an extremely global industry that requires client calls to be held from across the world, relationships with media in multiple countries and a communications team that is flexible, agile and knows how to operate in each market. Working remotely allows us to be ready for 7 a.m. calls with Israel or a 7 p.m. call with Munich — no matter the time, Compass is there.” Melanie Morris, PR and Social Media Coordinator
Be Happy
“I recently read a report that stated: ‘Based on a one to 10 scale, remote workers ranked their happiness in their job at 8.1 on average.’ This was versus the office workers whose score was 7.42. The same report also said that employees who work from home feel more valued. All of this can be held true to Compass. There is something to be said about having your dog (or in my case, two) with you as you handle a tough call or project, or your kids (again, two) ready for a hug from mom whenever you need it. And simply, happy employees do better work. As a five-year veteran of Compass, I have seen our work get better and better for our clients each year.“ – Jenna Frosch-Hardie, Senior Media Director
Laser Focus
“For years I worked in a traditional office space, where random meetings were called or people would just walk into my office, sometimes rendering my day completely useless. Working remotely, I organize my day to fit client needs, hit deadlines, prioritize projects and keep focused. This has allowed me to become extremely efficient, which in turn also allows me to be flexible if my clients’ needs change or a priority needs to shift. It also helps to know that when my phone now rings, the call is actually for me — and not the several other people I used to share an office with. – April Anaya, Account Manager
Only the Best of the Best
“Hiring good employees is one of the hardest parts of owning and running a business. Friends and clients have both told me how small the pot is for great communications people, especially for the niche market of security — despite the growing importance of technology to the safety of our country and world. However, I am lucky. I get to be picky while hiring, because my pool of candidates is not limited by location. And this strategy has proven successful for us. I am able to provide our clients with the best and most diverse talent, and can truly be selective of candidates to make sure our clients are getting exactly what they need.” – Rhianna Daniels Hile, Chief Strategy Officer
Today’s businesses aren’t traditional. Some of the most innovative companies strive to provide flexibility to their workers through the option to wok remotely because they’ve seen the positive benefits. Compass believes that creativity isn’t necessarily found within an office environment and can instead be found any number of ways. As experts in the security and technology market with more than 50 years of collective experience, Compass is poised to provide the highest level of dedication and quality to our clients and beyond.
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